Proud to be a member of RNA, RWA and WFWA

Another item on my ‘writing dream list’ was to join reputable writing associations, relevant to my genre. I write love stories, so the genres would be contemporary and historical romance and women’s fiction.

I always assumed I shouldn’t even try before securing a book deal, but, now, in the process of joining, I discovered you can have different types of memberships and you don’t necessarily need to be a published author. Good to know for my next life:) or for other writers reading this.

So, it is with great pleasure, that I have joined three of the best writing communities out there.

RNA- The Romantic Novelists Association

RWA- Romance Writers of America

WFWA- Women’s Fiction Writers Association

I look forward to connecting with other writers in these amazing communities!

Until next time!

Keep Believing in Magic,

Olivia Lara